The End of the Human Experiential Way
We are in the last 7-year cycle before the Global theme transition of 2027. A striking aspect of the changes predicted through the Human Design System is the mutation of the Solar Plexus Center, which brings a radical shift in our orientation to what Ra called the “Human Experiential Way”. This is referring to the way in which we have been driven by need, desire, and passion to seek and create novel experiences through the motor function of the Solar Plexus Center, or put simply emotional energy.
The Solar Plexus Center in the Human Design BodyGraph is described as both an awareness center (a source of perception) and a motor (a source of energy). The energy of this center is experienced and expressed through the needs, desires, and passions of human emotion, each driving us to seek the next self-relevant experience. From these emotionally driven experiences, we come to understand something about what it means to be human; whether that is through grace, art, intimacy, sexuality, abundance of spirit, conflict, crisis, rejection, or longing.
In the “experiential way”, we share our experiences with each other in order to stimulate feelings, make sense of the events of our lives, share stories, and develop beliefs and a sense of progress for humanity. Through others, we gain access to many more experiences than we could possibly live through as individuals. Often we do not fully understand why we are going through what we are experiencing until it is over and we can reflect on it or find that some sense reveals itself.
The motor function of the Solar Plexus has been so powerful that it often obscures the awareness potential of this center. For this reason, those with Solar Plexus definition are guided to experience the intensity of emotion, yet to also recognize that it interferes with clarity. When an emotionally defined being waits for the emotional intensity and reactivity to pass, there is the opportunity for clarity and awareness to emerge.
The knowledge given about the coming mutation suggests that the motor function of the emotional system will end, and along with that the drive and desire for new experiences will also diminish. The transmitter of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu suggested that we actually do not know what the true emotional awareness or spirit awareness of this center is. But that in the coming era, once the motor function goes away, the awareness potential of the Solar Plexus will then dominate as it becomes a pure awareness center.
The implication is that once the emotional drive and fuel is gone, we (or those who come after us) will no longer seek unique personal experiences as a way of exploring life and sharing our realizations with each other. We won’t be driven in the same way to make our own discoveries through emotional needs and desires. The shared spirit consciousness that is possible when that time comes may lead us to communicate with each other and create in very different ways and for different purposes. Experiential progress may become a thing of the past.
Whether we have emotional definition or not, many of us struggle with emotional intensity. It can be complex, heavy, confusing, and deep. Often emotional states take over and color our experiences, creating an intensity that is easily mistaken for certainty but that leads to chaos if it becomes the basis for impulsive decision making. Although the Emotional Authority is designed to wait for clarity, much more of the time is likely spent in various states of nervousness, which can be either pleasant or painful (or both simultaneously). Either way, clarity and a sense of the whole truth (or something close to it) can emerge when the intensity or nervousness settles down.
My own emotional center is completely undefined. In addition, I have no motors defined as a 5/1 Mental Projector and almost entirely individual definition. With a design like this, I have often found myself in the position of studying and observing the experiential drives of the emotional process rather than being emotionally driven myself.
When it comes to emotional energy, I can be everything from a guide and a voice of clarity to a receptacle or a screaming amplifier. I have experienced all of these. I can enjoy emotional intensity when it is not distorted, repressed, or a source of blame. I can also deeply enjoy the complete cool absence of emotional energy entirely.
What has emerged for me during this particular time, however, is something like a sense of reverence for emotional energy and for this human experiential way, perhaps because I can sense that it may, in fact, go away altogether.
If emotional intensity is not used to make decisions in life, what else can it be used for? It can be a source of expression, art, writing, passion, music, melancholy. I find myself drawn to guide those with that kind of emotional fuel to express themselves, not as a means of coming to an answer or finding certainty, not as a way of resolving conflicts in relationships, not for or to anyone else, and not as a way of getting rid of the feelings or energy. Rather, as a way of simply exploring their own unique aspect of the human experience.
The emotional energy wave inherently has the potential of inspiring, provoking, empowering, or stimulating others, especially if the emotions have enough room to be able to move, progress, and be expressed. If the Human Experiential Way is diminishing, this could be a time when we can more deeply explore the emotional experience, in all of its colors.
Many of us can all become obsessed with seeking meaning in life as if every experience serves a purpose. But perhaps some experiences and emotions exist for no reason. They just are. Part of being human is simply going through it for the sake of the experience itself.
I know many artists who experience creative expression primarily as a process rather than as a means to some end. I am astounded over and over again at how effusive, raw, and beautiful such a process can be when it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with meaning or reason. Perhaps clarity is not something to seek but rather something to wait for, and in the meantime, we can accept the chaos and whatever dynamic beauty there is in it.
Ra often told the story of the musicians who continued to play music as the Titanic was sinking. They did this in the midst of shock and panic. Maybe they did it to calm or distract others. Maybe they did it because it was their last chance to make music. Maybe they did it because it was the only thing they felt they could do. It is a dark metaphor perhaps, but one that points to a way of being in the midst of tragedy, uncertainty, and upheaval.
At a time when many voices are shouting with advice, opinions, and directives, when many are working hard to fix things, take advantage, or sort through the confusion, we also have more access to feelings, knowledge and communication than at any other time in history. Perhaps we can more fully embrace and explore the intensity, depth, and complexity of the emotional process for its own sake, on its own terms, and simply for the unique opportunity it gives us to express and explore what it means to be human before that changes too.
In my personal process, I am absolutely radical. As a very emotional being, I have experienced the core of pain in the greatest joy and the core of joy in the greatest pain. I am very grateful to discover myself each day anew.
– Peter Schöber, Human Design Analyst & Teacher