Global Cycles and Change

Global Cycles refer to the background themes and frequencies which influence all of us as the earth moves through them.  They influence the stages civilization moves through over time.  In 2027, the Global Cycle is shifting from the Cross of Planning, which began in 1615, to the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.  The Cross of Planning brought the development of many bargains and agreements which resulted in the formation of institutions created to support community and loyalty in every facet of human life, from family and tribal structures to religion, government, health and human services and education.  We could take all of these things for granted as the natural evolution of human life and culture, or we could consider them to be manifestations of the influence of this larger Global Cycle, rooted in planning, working and developing patterns and skills for the benefit of humans living together in communities.  In essence, community and individuals working hard together to support it is the focus of this cycle which is coming to an end.

As we move into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, the core of the message about 2027 is that the systems, tribes, and institutions, as well as cultural norms which focused on community life will fall away, as they have been over recent decades.  When you combine that with a more globalized culture in general, we end up in a world where many of the agreements and bargains we could rely on in the past can no longer be taken for granted.  Marriage is a perfect example.  It used to mean, until death do us part and that was often the case.  Now it is hard to know what marriage means.  It is something that many people are figuring out how to define, if they are not strongly bound by family and religious ties.  It means that the values and community culture begin to have less influence over what people actually do and we see people behaving more individualistically, defining what things like relationship, sexuality, religion, health and patriotism are for themselves.

There is not necessarily any moral assessment of this change (that one cycle is better than another), but it does point to a shift toward more individualistic power, people acting according to their own response, their own sense of what to say and do as well as from an abundance of spirit and need.  This could be a time where the nature of relationship in all forms is changing radically and where we benefit from awareness about what is appropriate, beneficial and healthy for us as individuals, when we can no longer rely on the community structures around us as we once did.  The breakdown of institutions and organizational structures is already underway, which means there is no better time to develop inner authority and awareness.  Ra has called our current time the flowering of humanity in which we have more access to higher knowing and inner truth than ever before and perhaps ever again.  There is potentially an opportunity for greater empowerment and consciousness now as we face a world we have never known.

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