John Cole

2/4 Ego Projector

In early 2015, a friend and fellow astrologer introduced me to the Human Design System. For decades, I had delved into astrology and explored various spiritual traditions, including G.I. Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way, Asian martial arts, Buddhism, and Taoism. Each journey brought significant learning and growth, marked by moments of awakening and peak experiences. Despite these insights, I sensed a gap in my understanding of the underlying mechanics of life.

In Human Design, my auric type is a “Projector” which very specifically describes how my energy was designed to work along with many patterns and characteristics of my experience that no other system had identified or had an explanation for. This was quite a reframing of my experiences, putting many things into perspective that I had been unable to make sense of otherwise.

John’s BodyGraph

I began experimenting with the system daily and soon booked a reading with a Human Design Analyst which carried quite an impact, driving the knowledge in deeper. I then entered into formal Human Design training and eventually enrolled in the program to become a professional analyst. I completed the three-year analyst program in December of 2018 and was certified by the International Human Design School. I have since continued my studies and training with the Degree Differentiation Program (DDP) which combines the Primary Health System (PHS) and Rave Psychology (certification pending completion of thesis). I am currently co-teaching the Living Your Design, Rave ABCs, Rave Cartography Foundation Courses, and LYD Guide training with Amy Lee at the Human Design Collective. More on my Human Design educational and certification background.

As a Projector with over three decades of astrological study and deep experimentation with the Human Design System, I feel well-prepared to meet the needs of my clients wishing to experiment with this knowledge. I meet each person as the unique individual that they are, recognizing that they are the authority in their own life. I aim to share this system practically and straightforwardly, initiating fellow explorers into a deeper relationship with their true-self and inner authority.